Living Day to Day with Chronic Illness

Whether newly diagnosed or long term, chronic illness can affect your job, your family and your outlook. Coping with chronic illness presents its own challenges, and this presentation helps people learn strategies to create healthier coping skills.

When Illness Joins the Family 

Medical illness and/or disability can strike any family. Illness brings uncertainty and ambiguity and may involve loss of bodily control, identity and relationships. We'll examine a path to improve communication with loved ones, identify everyone’s needs, increase acceptance and build hope.

Tools for Your Toolbox:  Practical Advice for Your Journey with Cancer

This frank conversation for men and women with cancer, whether in early treatment, continuing treatment or in remission, presents advice about meeting the challenges of long-term illness. This includes how to live creatively within limits and the need for strategies for pacing one’s energies. It covers ways to create a supportive community and self-advocating with medical professionals.

Building Resiliency: Understanding What It Takes to Live With Breast Cancer

When confronted with breast cancer, people can actually thrive, becoming empowered and more resilient. This workshop will help you develop your coping skills and transform the meaning of your illness from a threatening experience to a series of challenges that can be overcome. You'll learn to listen to your body, develop support networks, and recognize what you can and can't control. Surviving can become thriving.